USA Goju Virtues, Rules and Creed

Karate Virtues

  1. We shall always Believe that Nothing is Impossible
  2. We shall always Practice and Study
  3. We shall always Be Quick to Seize Opportunity
  4. We shall always Practice Patience and Courtesy
  5. We shall always Keep the Fighting Spirit of Karate Alive
  6. We shall always Block Soft and Hit Hard
  7. We shall always Obey the Laws of Reality
  8. We shall always Keep the Good and Discard the Bad
  9. We shall always be Proud to be Martial Artists
  10. We shall always be Loyal to Our Parents, Teachers and Country

The Three Rules of the Dojo

Everyone Works

Nothing is Free

Everyone Starts at the Bottom


We shall always work for Truth, Justice, and the American GoJu Karate Way of Life.