This is going to be great! Bring your tent and your tailgate supplies! We will have access to the camp ground after 8am on Saturday. So, come as early as and stay as late or over-night as you want! Fox Dojo October 2017 campout
Memorial to Master Joseph Kelljchian. Rest in Peace, Sensei.
Master Joseph Kelljchian was given the name “The Rock” and the “American Bushido” Master Kelljchian was a master karateka and gave us many weapons katas and combative technology including the Katana, Nunchaku, Escrima, Sai, Bo, Oar and Tonfa. He created an in depth syllabus of GOJU training for empty hand self defense, defense against weapons, […]
Sensei Sherry Proctor’s Nidan Promotion and Naming ceremony
Sensei Sherry Proctor received her promotion to Nidan from Sensei Andrew Proctor on June 14, 2017. Congratulations Sensei Sherry! Sensei Sherry received the name of The Mink. The Mink is a small, yet clever fighter who uses stealth and trickery to defeat her enemies. In Native American folklore, The Mink is known as “Made Like […]
Sunshine At the Park
Sensei Eldon demonstrating a Tobi mae geri board break at the Sunshine In the Park on April 23, 2017.
Beach Workout
Sensei Schopp and Sensei Proctor absorbing the strength of the elements at the beach workout
Happy Birthday Sensei
It was Sensei David’s birthday this week so we had a great fight night and some refreshments to celebrate. Al and Coby also had birthdays this week. OOS!
Recent Promotions
Congratulations to Madison, Wyatt, Joaquin, Grant, John,Joanna, Morgan, Maia Steve, Josh, Eric and Al on their recent promotions. We don’t have a lot of promotions in USAGOJU, so when the are earned its cause for a big celebration! OOS!!!